Our One Of A Kind
Success Incubator
So Now...Are You Ready To Thrive?
Clarity + Consistency + Courage = SUCCESS
We're going to let you in on a little secret. Many women wish to thrive and simply don't know how. Women ask Tina constantly how she made the leap from a corporate job to owning her own thriving business. The secret is she did the inner work to let go of what was holding her back.
Chances are you are feeling:
How do I go from my 9-5 job to running a business?
Where is the money going to come from?
How do I learn the overwhelming myriad of skills to run a business?
It’s time to go from surviving to thriving in your personal and professional life. Tina Kadish has taken her book, 7 Steps to Thrive in Live and Business and transformed it into an on-line course that is all-encompassing.
The Success Incubator provides participants with a group workshop as a "stand alone" experience to begin their journey moving From Job To Joy. It is also included in the 3 Months EmpowerHER program. The Success Incubator supports doing the inner work that is important when women want to start a business or thinking of starting a business. These 7 steps helps them overcome some of the barriers that stops them in their tracks.
This course is for those who are committed to thrive in life and business.
In this course participants will:
Learn how to look at challenges that come with growth
Learn how the challenges have stopped you from getting to where you want to be
Gain skills to release the past and let go of the outcome to move forward with ease, letting go of regret and resentment
Dive into how to evaluate their life...And so much more.
Participants receive:
From Job To Joy's Exclusive Workbook
14 on-line modules with exercises, action steps, strategies and tools
One hour of individual coaching with Tina Kadish
Course completion certificate
Complimentary copy of Tina's book, FREEDOM: 7 Steps To Thrive In Life And Business
Graduates of this course will have created easy-to-implement micro shifts that dramatically improve their life and performance.